DesignerCon 2017

So Great! I had a blast at this year’s DesignerCon. It’s always a highlight of the year, catching up with old friends, making new ones, participating in a panel, and showcasing our latest releases. This year I decided to sport a new look and repainted the back panels of the booth and table, creating a simple fight cloud graphic to house our prints, toys, pins, patches and books available. In addition to the “Pink Elephant” black light poster I designed for DesignerCon this year, we had my new “Down the Rabbit Hole” serigraph print, and new Outsider pins, patches and mini-figure series. We also had the opportunity to show off my upcoming project for IKEA with my Mr. Bunny glass figure displayed. I can’t wait for that release coming April 2018. Everything we had at our booth is now up in our web store here (while supplies last).

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We love to make all kinds of fun stuff! Is there a random project you’d love to see Joe tackle?